Alberto Alemanno

Lawyer, professor, book author, advocate

Alberto Alemanno
Alberto Alemanno© IWM

Alberto Alemanno is Jean Monnet Professor in European Union Law and one of the leading voices on the democratization of the European Union.

His research centres on how the law may be used to improve people’s lives, through the adoption of power-shifting reforms countering social, economic, and political inequalities within European societies and beyond. He has written extensively on risk regulation, public health, consumer rights, food policy as democratic innovation, participatory and deliberative democracy.

Alberto is also permanent visiting professor at the University of Tokyo School of Public Policy, the College of Europe, in Bruges and a scholar at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law as well as fellow at The Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation at Rutgers University.

He’s the author of more than forty scientific articles and several academic books such as 'Nudge and the Law – A European Perspective' and the more accessible Lobbying for Change: Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society', which provides a timely analysis and guide to levelling the democratic playing field by empowering ordinary citizens to speak up and inform policy decisions at local, national and international level.

In addition to his academic writings in law, and public policy, Alberto is a regular contributor to Le Monde, The Guardian, Bloomberg, Politico Europe, Le Grand Continent and a frequent commentator on Euronews, France24, Al-Jazeera, and TV5Monde. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Financial Times, The Economist, Science and Nature among others.

Alemanno has worked extensively with policymakers, funders, advocacy groups as well as progressive companies, in developing strategies and novel approaches to questions of democracy, political inequality, and corporate political behaviour.

He regularly provides advice to international organizations, including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Commission, the European Parliament, the World Health Organization, dozens of non-governmental organizations as well as states.

Alberto qualified as an attorney-at-law in New York and clerked at the Court of Justice of the European Union (2005-2009). He established and directed the EU Public Interest Law Clinic in collaboration with the New York University School of Law, where he has been Global Professor of Law (2014-2018).

Alemanno holds LL.M. from Harvard Law School and the College of Europe as well as a PhD in international economic law from Bocconi University. He is the founder as well as the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (published by Cambridge University Press), of the Revue européenne du Droit (published by Le Grand Continent), and member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Consumer Policy.

Full CV

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