Alejandro Quiroga

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Alejandro Quiroga
Alejandro Quiroga

Alejandro Quiroga is a Beatriz Galindo Senior Research Fellow at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and a Reader in Spanish History at Newcastle University (UK). He has previously taught at the London School of Economics, King's College London and Royal Holloway. He specialises in the study of national identities and nationalisms. He is the author of Football and National Identities in Spain (Palgrave-Macmillan 2013), The Reinvention of Spain. Nation and Identity Since Democracy (Oxford University Press 2007) (with Sebastian Balfour), Making Spaniards. Primo de Rivera and the Nationalization of the Masses, 1923-1930, (Palgrave-MacMillan 2007) and Los orígenes del Nacionalcatolicismo (Comares 2006). He has edited Right-Wing Spain in the Civil War Era. Soldiers of God and Apostles of the Fatherland, 1914-45 (Continuum 2012), Católicos y patriotas. Religión y nación en la Europa de entreguerras (Sílex 2013) and Ondear la nación. Nacionalismo banal en España (Comares 2018).