Lorenzo Pregliasco

Journalist, specialist in political communication and public opinion research

Lorenzo Pregliasco
Lorenzo Pregliasco

Lorenzo Pregliasco, journalist, political analyst and expert in political communication. He contributed to newspapers and magazines such as «L’Espresso», «Limes», «La Stampa», «Politico Europe», «il Sole 24 Ore».

He is a regular host of TV shows in Italy (Sky, Rai, La7) and his analyses on Italian politics appear regularly in international media such as Reuters, BBC, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Euronews, Bloomberg.

Member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, he is founding partner of Quorum – a data-driven communication strategy agency – and chief editor of YouTrend, a data analysis digital magazine.

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna, he also teaches at the Scuola Holden in Turin. In 2017 he organized the first Executive Education programme in Political Communication and Campaigning at King’s College London.

Author of «Il crollo» (Editori Riuniti, 2013), «Una nuova Italia. Dalla comunicazione ai risultati, un’analisi delle elezioni del 4 marzo» (Castelvecchi, 2018), «Fenomeno Salvini. Chi è, come comunica, perché lo votano» (Castelvecchi, 2019) and «Benedetti sondaggi. Leggere i dati, capire il presente» (Add, 2022).