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Kursnummer: 16324on

Elections in India: Electoral Issues and Global Ambitions

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

With leading Indian analysts: Siddharth Varadarajan (The Wire) and Sushant Singh (Yale University)

When: Thursday 11 April 2024, 9:00 to 10:30 CEST
Concordia Cloud (zoom)

Chatham House Rule

Registration deadline: 10 April 2024, noon.

Register now.

Cooperation partner

Cooperation project: forum journalismus und medien and the European Commission Representation in Austria.

Europäische Kommission


India’s Elections: major voters’ concerns

Siddharth Varadarajan, award-winning journalist, is the cofounder to the independent news portal, The Wire, and a senior fellow at the Centre for Public Affairs and Critical Theory, New Delhi. Previously, he was the Editor of The Hindu. Based in New Delhi.

India’s Global Strategies and Ambitions

Sushant Singh, journalist and lecturer in South Asian studies at Yale University and consulting editor with The Caravan magazine in India. A Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, his writings have regularly appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Walrus, DW, Tagesspiegel, The Hindu and other publications. Sushant was earlier the Deputy Editor of The Indian Express newspaper in India where he twice won the acclaimed Ramnath Goenka award for excellence in journalism.


Indian general elections start on 19 April 2024, and end on 1 June 2024. The results will be announced on 4 June 2024. Nine hundred seventy million voters are eligible to elect 543 members of the 18th Lok Sabha.

India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, aspires to win his third mandate, according to some polls. Modi’s policies have polarised the population; his nationalism has been perceived as hostile by non-Hindus, he has intimidated and detained his political opponents and restricted press freedom. What is the base of Modi’s popularity? Which are his major policy achievements? Which are the major policy differences among political contenders?

India is regularly described as the largest democracy in the world. Is India’s democracy still healthy?

India’s growing population and economic importance is accompanied by increased international ambitions. What are the international strategies? How is India positioning itself with regards to the wars in Ukraine and in Gaza?


Presentations followed by live Q&A.

Concept and Moderation:

Mirjana Tomić

Target Groups

Journalists and academic researchers.

Number of participants

Maximum 60

Further Questions

For additional information about the session, contact Mirjana Tomic, seminar director,, or call 0676 365 26 93

Sushant Singh

Sushant Singh

Sushant Singh is lecturer in South Asian studies at Yale University and consulting editor with The Caravan magazine in India. A Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, his writings have regularly appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Walrus, DW, Tagesspiegel, The Hindu and other publications. Sushant was earlier the Deputy Editor of The Indian Express newspaper in India where he twice won the acclaimed Ramnath Goenka award for excellence in journalism. Prior to that, he served in the Indian army for two decades, including a stint with the United Nations in Cote d'Ivoire. He is the author of Mission Overseas: Daring Operations by the Indian Military and the co-author of Note by Note: The India Story 1947-2017.

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Siddharth Varadarajan

Indian journalist

Siddharth Varadarajan is an award-winning Indian journalist and a founding editor of the Indian digital news portal The Wire. He was editor of the English language national daily The Hindu from 2011 to 2013. He was the first editor to have been not drawn from the family of primary shareholders in its 150-year history. He joined The Hindu in 2004, as Strategic Affairs editor, before becoming the Chief of National Bureau.

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