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Kursnummer: 14924on

A Conversation with Stephen Hutchings

Politik und Medien
  • Stephen Hutchings
  • 04.03.2024, 09:30 – 10:30
  • kostenlos. Anmeldung erforderlich! (1 fjum_Punkt)
  • 0nline (Zoom)
Jetzt Buchen

When: Monday, 4 March 2024, 9:30-10:30 CET
Where: Concordia Cloud/Zoom

Only registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: Sunday, 3 March 2024, 18:00CET

Register now.

Cooperation project with Presseclub Concordia

Expert in Russian media, propaganda and culture

Understanding contemporary Russian propaganda narrative


Stephen Hutchings is Professor of Russian Studies at the University of Manchester and Fellow of the UK's Academy of Social Sciences.

He has published eight monographs and six edited volumes on various aspects of Russian cultural, media and propaganda studies, , as well as many articles in journals ranging from Television and New Media, Journalism, and European Journal of Cultural Studies, to Slavic Review.

He has frequently advised government departments, media monitoring organizations and journalists on aspects of Russian state communications strategy. He was President of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies from 2010-2013

He is currently leading a major new nationally funded project on disinformation as a translingual dynamic.


On 17 March 2024 Russian Federation holds presidential elections and understanding official propaganda’s narrative is essential. While propaganda accompanies all wars, the current narrative differs from the older ones.

Prof. Hutchings has been studying Russian media several decades and he lived in the Soviet Union during the Cold war. He observes a major shift in how the West is portrayed.

The focus will be on understanding narratives and propaganda techniques designed for the Russian audience.


Moderated conversation, followed by a live Q&A

Concept and Moderation

Daniela Kraus, Presseclub Concordia and Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia

Target Audience

Professional journalists, thinktank analysts and academics

Maximum: 100 participants

Additional Information, Cell : +43 676 3652 693


Stephen Hutchings

Professor of Russian Studies

Stephen Hutchings is Professor of Russian Studies at the University of Manchester and Fellow of the UK's Academy of Social Sciences.

He has published eight monographs and six edited volumes on various aspects of Russian cultural, media and propaganda studies with presses including Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press and Routledge, as well as many articles in journals ranging from Television and New Media, Journalism, and European Journal of Cultural Studies, to Slavic Review.

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