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Kursnummer: 17123on

Elections in Finland: Between happiness and the Russo-Ukrainian war

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Series

When: Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 9:00-10:00 CEST
Concordia Cloud/Zoom

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: Monday, 27 March 2923, at 20:00 CEST.

Register now.


Campaign Issues

Veera Luoma-aho, journalist, Head of the Department of Politics, Business and Economy, at Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription newspaper in Finland and the Nordic countries.

War in Ukraine, Security, NATO

Iro Särkkä, expert in Finnish foreign and security policy, NATO, Nordic security, and defence co-operation. Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, Director of Europe’s Futures-Ideas for Action program (IWM)


The happiest nation in the world, according to the recently released World Happiness Report 2022, holds elections on 2 April 2023. The current 5-party coalition is not expected to continue, but the new government will also be a coalition. The Social Democrats, of the current Prime Minister Sanna Marin, the liberal National Coalition Party and the anti-immigration Finns Party are competing for the premiership.

The campaign focuses on domestic issues. However, the war in Ukraine cannot be ignored: political parties across the spectrum aspire to join NATO after decades of military neutrality. The membership may materialise in the coming summer. Currently, Finland is constructing a 3-meter-high fence, with barbed wire on the top, along the part of its border with Russia.

The seminar will address both domestic and security issues that the upcoming elections will address. Does Finland fear the spillover of the war?

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants

Maximum: 70


Moderated conversation followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic
Cell: +43 676 365 26 93


Veera Luoma-aho

Helsingin Sanomat

Veera Luoma-aho is the Head of Department of Politics, Business and Economy, at Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription newspaper in Finland and the Nordic countries. As a reporter, she covers business, working life and leadership.

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Iro Särkkä

Expert in Finnish foreign and security policy, NATO, Nordic security and defence co-operation. Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

Dr Iro Särkkä is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the research programme for Finnish Foreign Policy, Northern European Security and NATO. Her areas of expertise include Finnish, Nordic, French and European foreign policy, multilateral security frameworks, NATO and the EU, as well as questions of political behaviour.

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