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Kursnummer: 112823on

Elections in Poland: Polarized Voters, Opposing Policies, and the War in Ukraine on the Border

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Seminar Series

When: Monday, 9 October 2023, 9:00-10:30 CEST
Online, Concordia Cloud/Zoom

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event.

Registration deadline: Sunday, 8 October 2923, at 20:00 CEST.

Register now.


Campaign Themes: What do voters care about?

Jacek Kucharczyk, sociologist, and public opinion expert. President of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), one of Poland’s leading think tanks.

Foreign policy: War in Ukraine, Germany, EU, and other Challenges

Wojciech Przybylski, foreign policy analyst. Editor of Visegrad Insight at Res Publica Foundation. Europe’s Futures alumnus.

Gender perspective of the elections

Aleksandra Niżyńska, lawyer and sociologist specialised in gender politics. Partner at Gender Solutions.


“When writing about Poland, commentators abroad usually focus on what divides the country politically. Liberal democrats fight populists, pro-Europeans fight nationalists and so on. But while such a focus aptly captures the current political scene in Poland, this approach is not fully comprehensive…. the threat to the state from Russia’s invasion invariably remains “in the back of their minds.” The issue of sovereignty therefore is crucial to the political agenda and looms ever larger in the election campaign,” writes Jaroslaw Kuisz editor in chief of Kultura Liberalna.

European Contexts panel focuses on understanding the elections’ context, focusing on three topics: Internal electoral issues; international priorities based on internal political needs, and gender politics as electoral issues.


Short presentations followed by Q&A

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, Director of Europe’s Futures (IWM)

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants: Maximum 70


Wojciech Przybylsk

Political analyst and journalist

Wojciech Przybylsk, political analyst and journalist, leads a strategic foresight in Central and Eastern Europe on EU affairs. He is the Editor of Visegrad Insight at Res Publica Foundation. He was formerly the editor of Res Publica Nowa, and later EUROZINE, as well as Europe's Future Fellow at IWM. Advisory board member at LSE IDEAS Ratiu Forum, European Forum of New Ideas, and International Strategy Forum of the Schmidt Futures.

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Kucharczyk official photo

Jacek Kucharczyk

President of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)

Dr Jacek Kucharczyk is the President of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), one of Poland’s leading think tanks.

He currently holds Vice-Chairmanship of the Civil Society Pillar of the Community of Democracies. Dr Kucharczyk was also the chair and member of Advisory Board of Scholarship Programs at Open Society Foundations and earlier served as Advisory Board member of Think Tank Fund at Open Society Institute. Since 2017 he has been board member the OKO Foundation in Warsaw. In 2009-2015 he served as board member of the National School of Public Administration in Warsaw.

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Aleksandra Niżyńska

Lawyer and sociologist

Aleksandra Niżyńska is a Partner at Gender Solution. She is a lawyer and a sociologist, specialising in gender issues. She worked as a researcher and analyst at the Institute of Public Affairs, where she established Gender Equality Observatory - a monitoring body for the gender equality principle in Poland. In her research she focuses on women’s participation in politics.

Aleksandra Niżyńska is the author of numerous reports on gender equality covering topics from economic violence against women, violence against women in politics to participation of women in the electoral process. She also worked as a Gender Officer for EIT Food, a part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

She studied at the University of Warsaw.

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