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Kursnummer: 110124on

Elections in the United Kingdom: Understanding Voters’ Concerns and Political Challenges

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

When: Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 9:30-11:00 CEST (Vienna time)
Where: Online, Concordia Cloud/Zoom

Registration deadline: Monday, 1 July 2024, Noon. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event.

Register now.


What do UK Voters care about?

Eunice Goes is a professor of politics at Richmond, the American University in London and editor of the journal Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy. She is an expert on British party politics with a focus on the role of ideas and ideology in electoral programmes. Her latest book Social Democracy was published in 2024 and charts the history of European social democracy. She has published extensively on the Labour Party (namely The Labour Party under Ed Miliband: Trying But Failing to Renew Social Democracy, Manchester University Press, 2016) but also on the Conservative Party’s approach to Europe and industrial policy.

Labour Party: Foreign Policy Guidelines

Sir Julian is a diplomat and was the last British European Commissioner, serving as EU Commissioner for the Security Union from 2016-2019, with responsibility for counter terrorism, cyber security, tackling hybrid threats, disinformation, and securing critical digital infrastructure. .He is a Specialist Partner at Flint Global, Chair of the charity Cooperation Ireland, member of the Ditchley Council, Fellow of RUSI and the Oxford Internet Institute.


Most opinion polls indicate that the Labour Party will win the first post-Brexit UK elections, scheduled for 4 July 2024. After a series of scandals and mishaps, accompanied by economic decline and failing social and medical services, the UK prime minister Rishi Sunak called for the early elections.

While most media cover the day-to-day events of the UK elections, the objective of the webinar is to fully understand a) the local political context, perceptions and concerns of the British voters; and b) foreign policy agenda of the Labour Party have, should it win the elections. Which policies would change and which would remain the same?

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants

Maximum: 70


Brief presentations followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic,
Cell: +43 676 365 26 93

Sir Julian

Sir Julian King

Diplomat and last British European Commissioner, serving as EU Commissioner from 2016-2019

Sir Julian is a Specialist Partner at Flint Global, Chair of the charity Cooperation Ireland, member of the Ditchley Council, Fellow of RUSI and the Oxford Internet Institute. He was the last British European Commissioner, serving as EU Commissioner for the Security Union from 2016-2019, with responsibility for counter terrorism, cyber security, tackling hybrid threats, disinformation, and securing critical digital infrastructure.

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E Unice Goes

Eunice Goes

Professor of politics at Richmond, the American University in London

Eunice Goes holds a Ph.D in Political Science by the LSE, is a professor of politics at Richmond, the American University in London and editor of the journal Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy. She is an expert on British party politics with a focus on the role of ideas and ideology in electoral programmes. Her latest book Social Democracy was published this year by Agenda Publishing and charts the history of European social democracy. She has published extensively on the Labour Party (namely The Labour Party under Ed Miliband: Trying But Failing to Renew Social Democracy, Manchester University Press, 2016) but also on the Conservative Party’s approach to Europe and industrial policy.

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