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Kursnummer: 17623

In Dialogue with Bundesheer Colonel Dr. Markus Reisner

Politik und Medien
  • Dr. Markus Reisner, PhD
  • 26.04.2023, 09:30 – 11:30
  • kostenlos. Anmeldung erforderlich! (1 fjum_Punkt)
  • Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8, 1010 Wien
Jetzt Buchen

In Dialogue with Bundesheer Colonel Dr. Markus Reisner

Head of the Research and Development Department at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, commander of the Austrian Guards Battalion and author of books and articles on military history and the future of war.

Understanding military aspects of Russia's war in Ukraine and its practical socioeconomic implications

(Auf Deutsch)

When: Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 9:30-11:30.
Where: Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8,1010 Vienna. In-person only.

Registration mandatory. Registration deadline: Tuesday 25 April 2023, noon.

Waiting list
We will inform people on the waiting list on Tuesday, 25 April, if there are free places

Cooperation partner

Representation of the European Commission in Austria.


Colonel Dr. Markus Reisner is a General Staff officer serving in the Austrian Armed Forces. He is the Head of the Research and Development Department at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, commander of the Austrian Guards Battalion and author of books and articles on military history and the future of war. He served in the Jagdkommando, the Special Operations Forces unit of the Austrian Armed Forces and was deployed in different conflict zones. He spent significant time in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chad, Central Africa, and Mali.


The war in Ukraine has entered its second year and the situation on the ground, in Europe and the US, has been evolving: from declaring that no fighter jets would be sent to Ukraine to deploying the first airplanes to the Ukrainian army. What do different options imply in practical terms?

Through interactive dialogue with the participants, Col. Reisner will offer a comprehensive and practical explanation of different aspects of the war: from why certain weapons are requested to why certain weapons are delivered, from initial to current military strategy, from initial to current price of producing/purchasing of weapons, etc. What are the implications of the latest US intelligence leaks?

Col. Dr Reisner will explain if Europe produces/possess enough weapons, how long it takes to train the combatants for the use of specific weapons, the implications of the war of attrition for Kyiv and Moscow, and for Europe, and will respond to any other question of the participants.

Col. Dr Reisner is a frequent guest of Austrian and European media, mostly invited to evaluate the situation on the Ukrainian battlefield.

We invited him to offer a comprehensive and practical understanding of the war, beyond daily news.

Format and Moderation

Conversation moderated by Mirjana Tomic, fjum, followed by a coffee break, and a Q&A session. Participants can ask question even before the assigned Q&A time.

Target audience

Professional journalists and academic researchers.

Maximum: 25 participants

Additional information:

Reisner Foto Nat

Dr. Markus Reisner, PhD

General Staff officer serving in the Austrian Armed Forces

Colonel (GS) Dr. Markus Reisner, PhD is a General Staff officer serving in the Austrian Armed Forces. He attended the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt from 1998 to 2002. He then served in the Reconnaissance Battalion 2 in Salzburg until 2004. The following ten years he served in the “Jagdkommando”, the Special Operations Forces unit of the Austrian Armed Forces. He was deployed several times in conflict zones and spent significant time in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chad, Central Africa, and Mali. He studied history (Dr. phil, Faculty of History/University of Vienna) and finished a second dissertation in “Interdisciplinary Legal Studies” (PhD, Faculty of Law/University of Vienna). For his research work (topic “Robotic Wars”) he was selected to be a member of the Vienna Doctoral Academy “Communicating the law”. Since 2017 he has been a member of the Military History Advisory Board of the Scientific Commission of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense. From 2017 to 2018, he was an adviser in the Cabinet of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration, and Foreign Affairs. From August to December 2018, he served in the Military Policy Division of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense. Since 2020 he is the Head of the Research and Development Department at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt. Currently he is serving as the commander of the Austrian Guards Battalion. He is the author of several books and articles covering military history and the future of war.

Link to fill cv

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