With Anna Babinets and Kristina Berdynskykh (award-winning Ukrainian journalists), Vadym Miskyi (leading Ukrainian media analyst) and Daniela Prugger (award-winning international correspondent)
When: Monday, 10 February 2025, 9:30-10:45 CET
Where: online/zoom
Registration deadline: Sunday, 9 February 2025, 20:00CET
Zoom link will be sent one day before the event.
Register now.
Ukrainian media and society have undergone profound changes since the beginning of the Russian invasion on 24 February 2022. Most population has been displaced: within Ukraine or around Europe. This is just one example of societal changes with multiple consequences.
Media landscape has been redrawn. Both media and numerous civic initiatives, not only military operations, depend on Western funding. What is the impact of the US funding freeze? What are the main challenges now?
What is a vision for the post-war Ukraine?
Kristina Berdynskykh is a freelance journalist. She regularly contributes to Il Folio (Italy) and Libération (France) . Berdynskykh has published in numerous international outlets: Financial Times Weekend (Great Britain), Courier of Central Europe (France), Stranger’s Guide (USA), Sydsvenska Dagbladet (Sweden), Open Democracy (Great Britain), The Dial (USA), Clarín (Argentina), Foreign Affairs (USA). Previously she worked for the Ukranian NV magazine and Radio NV. She lives in Kyiv.
Anna Babinets is the director and editor of Slidstvo.Info investigative agency based in Kyiv (Ukraine) and a Regional Editor of Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). Anna specializes in discovering high scale corruption, money laundering schemes and crimes. She is a member of the Panama Papers team. From the beginning of Russian-Ukrainian war Anna and Slidstvo.Info focus on covering war crimes, reportages from the fields, researching and identifying Russian militaries in Ukraine. Anna lives in Kyiv.
Vadym Miskyi is a program director of the NGO "Detector Media", a leading Ukrainian think-tank in the field of media freedom and countering disinformation. Experienced in journalism, advocacy and corporate governance. Since 2015, he is member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine and starting 2025, he became a member of the Expert Council on the Development of the State Strategic Communications System under the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine. Miskyi lives in Kyiv.
Daniela Prugger is an award-winning journalist, and a freelance correspondent from Ukraine, where she has been living since 2020. Prugger contributes to different Austrian, German and Italian media: Der Standard, WOZ, Ö1, ff und Rai Südtirol and others. She lives in Kyiv.
Brief presentations followed by a live Q&A
Concept and Moderation
Mirjana Tomic, fjum/Presseclub Concordia
Target Groups
Media representatives and academic researchers. Maximum: 100 participants.