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Kursnummer: 19722on

US Perspective of the War in Ukraine

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

Policy Choices, Political Debates, and Public Attitudes

European Contexts Series

When: Thursday, 9 June 2022, 16:00-17:30 CEST (Vienna Time), 10-11:30am EST (New York Time)
Concordia Cloud

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: Wednesday 8 June 2022, at 20:00 CEST (14:00AM EST)

Register now.

Cooperation partners:

ERSTE Foundation, Europe’s Futures (IWM), Presseclub Concordia and fjum

Erste Stiftung Logo
Europes Futures Logo
Presseclub Concordia Logo


Bruce Stokes, expert in public opinion analysis, Visiting Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund and Associate Fellow, Chatham House. From 2012-2019, Stokes was the director of Global Economic Attitudes at the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC. Based in Washington DC.

Richard Parker, economist and public policy expert, lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Senior fellow at School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy. Founder of Mother Jones magazine. Former advisor of Senators Kennedy, Daniel P. Moynihan and McGovern. From 2009 to 2011, along with Joseph Stiglitz and Jeff Sachs, he was economic advisor to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, Head of Europe’s Futures, IWM.


Washington has pledged support for Ukraine and approved the biggest arms, economic and humanitarian aid package since 1945. It has also provided intelligence and training.

What is political and economic thinking behind the current policy decisions? Is there a bipartisan support? What have been the main policy debates? How long can the US sustain this high-profile support? Can the midterm elections, scheduled for 8 November 2022, alter political aims and foreign policy priorities?

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, US objectives regarding the outcome of the war seem to be shifting, as several US media noted, from liberating Ukraine to defeating Russia. Is the final goal clear for the US citizens and the Western allies?

Does the US president Joe Biden have popular support for his policy towards Ukraine? What does the US public think about the war in Ukraine? Is the public ready for a long- term support?

What has been the role of the media in shaping policies towards Ukraine?

Bruce Stokes will explore public attitudes towards the war in Ukraine, Russia, and government policies, while Richard Parker will focus on debates and policy choices that have dominated the US public sphere.

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants: Maximum 70


Brief presentations followed by a live Q&A.

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic, email:, Cell: +43 676 365 26 9

Richard Parker

Richard Parker

Public Policy Expert

Richard Parker is Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government as well as the Senior Fellow of the School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy. He teaches public policy.

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Bruce Stokes

Visiting Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund Associate Fellow, Chatham House

Bruce Stokes is a visiting senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Previously he was the executive director of GMF’s Transatlantic Task Force: Together or Alone? Choices and Strategies for Transatlantic Relations for 2021 and Beyond.

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