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Kursnummer: 113824

What is the non-Western (Multipolar) World Order? Visions from China, Russia, India and Latin America - BOOKED OUT

Politik und Medien

When: Thursday, 21 November 2024, 16:00-17:30 CET
Where: Concordia Cloud/ Zoom

Registration is mandatory. You will get the Zoom link one day before the event.

Cooperation partners

ERSTE Foundation, Presseclub Concordia and fjum

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Yun Sun is a Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the China Program at the Stimson Center. Her expertise is in Chinese foreign policy, U.S.-China relations and China’s relations with neighboring countries and authoritarian regimes. Her previous work expereince: Brookings Institution and International Crisis Group. Yun earned her master’s degree in international policy and practice from George Washington University, as well as an MA in Asia Pacific studies and a BA in international relations from Foreign Affairs College in Beijing. Currently, Yun Sun lives in Washington DC.

Sushant Singh, expert on India’s foreign policy, lectures on South Asian studies at Yale University and works as a consulting editor with The Caravan magazine in India. A Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, his writings have regularly appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Walrus, DW, Tagesspiegel, The Hindu and other publications. Sushant divides his time between New Delhi and New Haven.

Isidro Morales Moreno is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal Latin American Policy, an external fellow of the United States-Mexico Center of the Baker Institute at Rice University, National Emeritus Researcher at CONAHCYT, and professor of International Relations at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Morales has tought at numerous universities in Mexico, Europe, US and Asia. He studied at El Colegio de México and the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. Morales lives in Puebla, Mexico.

Sergey Utkin works as associate professor of international politics at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense since summer 2022. In 2016-2022 he headed Strategic Assessment Section at the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences. From 2016 till June 2018 he also headed Foreign and Security Policy Department at the Moscow-based Centre for Strategic Research. In 2012-2016 he worked at the Centre for Situation Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, now merged with IMEMO. In 2006 - 2013 he worked at IMEMO, where his last position was Head of Section for Political Aspects of European Integration. He holds a PhD in political science (international relations), which he received at IMEMO in 2006 for his thesis on Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical State University, School of History.


The West-dominated rule-based world order is changing: wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East have accelerated the process. China and Russia promote a different international order, the one that is not dominated by the West. India aspires to have a bigger say at the international arena. Big Latin American countries, especially Brazil, aspire to increase their international role. Is there a clear vision of the multipolar, de-westernised world order? Do major players coincide in their views?

Speakers will explain different country approaches/policies as well as dwell on the major international challenges, including the results of the US elections.


Short presentations followed by live Q&A

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomic, fjum/Presseclub Concordia

Target groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Sushant Singh

Sushant Singh

Sushant Singh is lecturer in South Asian studies at Yale University and consulting editor with The Caravan magazine in India. A Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, his writings have regularly appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Walrus, DW, Tagesspiegel, The Hindu and other publications. Sushant was earlier the Deputy Editor of The Indian Express newspaper in India where he twice won the acclaimed Ramnath Goenka award for excellence in journalism. Prior to that, he served in the Indian army for two decades, including a stint with the United Nations in Cote d'Ivoire. He is the author of Mission Overseas: Daring Operations by the Indian Military and the co-author of Note by Note: The India Story 1947-2017.

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Yun sun

Yun Sun

Senior Fellow and Co-Director China, East Asia

Yun Sun is a Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the China Program at the Stimson Center. Her expertise is in Chinese foreign policy, U.S.-China relations and China’s relations with neighboring countries and authoritarian regimes.

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Isidro Morales

Isidro Morales

founder and Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal Latin American Policy

Isidro Morales is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal Latin American Policy (, distributed globally by Wiley, an external fellow of the United States-Mexico Center of the Baker Institute at Rice University, National Emeritus Researcher at CONAHCYT, and professor of International Relations at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. He has been a researcher at El Colegio de México and a professor at the universities of Copenhagen, Hanyang in South Korea, and the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He has been a visiting researcher at the Watson Institute at Brown University and at the Center for North American Studies at American University in Washington. He is the author of books on the Mexican oil industry and Mexico’s geo-economic and geopolitical integration in North America, as well as several specialized articles on trade integration, security, energy and strategic relations in North America, and political theory and international relations, published in Mexico and abroad in specialized journals and books. Among his books are Post NAFTA North America. Reshaping the Economic and Political Governance of a Changing Region (2008), as editor: National Solutions to Trans-Border Problems? The Governance of Security and Risk in a Post-NAFTA North America (2011), and as co-editor: Post-Hegemonic Regionalism in the Americas. Toward a Pacific-Atlantic Divide? (2017). Dr. Morales is a graduate of El Colegio de México and obtained his PhD in International Relations from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris.

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Utkin S 17

Sergey Utkin

University of Southern Denmark

Sergey Utkin works as associate professor of international politics at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense since summer 2022. In 2016-2022 he headed Strategic Assessment Section at the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences. From 2016 till June 2018 he also headed Foreign and Security Policy Department at the Moscow-based Centre for Strategic Research. In 2012-2016 he worked at the Centre for Situation Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, now merged with IMEMO. In 2006 - 2013 he worked at IMEMO, where his last position was Head of Section for Political Aspects of European Integration. He holds a PhD in political science (international relations), which he received at IMEMO in 2006 for his thesis on Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical State University, School of History.

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