FJUM 122 1x1
Kursnummer: 17022on

Elections in Hungary: What is at stake for the voters and for Europe?

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Series

When: 24 February 2022, 9:00-10:30CET
Where: Concordia Cloud

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: 23 February 2022, at 18:00CET

Register now.

Cooperation partners:

ERSTE Foundation, Europe’s Futures (IWM), Presseclub Concordia and fjum

Erste Stiftung Logo
Europes Futures Logo
Presseclub Concordia Logo

Concept and Introduction

Zsuzsanna Szelényi, former MP and foreign policy specialist. Currently she conducts research at the Central European University’s Democracy Institute, focusing on polarization and populism as a threat on democracy in the context of the future of the European Union. Europe’s Futures Alumna.


Internal Politics

Dániel Mikecz, political scientist, Research Fellow at the Institute of Political Science at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Senior Research Fellow at the Budapest-based political think-tank, Republikon Institute. Based in Budapest.

Does the Opposition have Access to Media?

Ágnes Urbán, economist and media expert, associate Professor and Head of the Department of Infocommunication at Corvinus University Budapest. Based in Budapest.

Why do Hungarian Elections matter to Europe?

Botond Feledy, foreign affairs specialist, senior non-resident fellow at the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Development (CEID). His research focuses on EU-US relations, cyber security and influence operations in Central Europe. Based in Brussels.


Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, acting Rector of Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)


Hungary holds parliamentary elections on 3 April 2022. For the first time, Victor Orban seems to face a serious competitor: a coalition of diverse parties. The man who transformed Hungary and embodies the concept of illiberal democracy may not be easy to defeat. Even if he is defeated, would the transition of power be smooth? Defying Brussels as well as other democratic rules, Orban started his campaign on 13 February, by promising price caps, and announcing that a possible war in Ukraine could transform Hungary.

What is Orban’s election strategy and narrative? What is the opposition’s strategy and narrative? Does it suffice to win the elections to defeat orbanism? What are the scenarios if he does not win? Would he admit a defeat? Should Orban remain, what would be his next steps?

If Orban controls most media, how can the opposition communicate with citizens? Who finances the opposition media channels?

Should these elections matter to Europe? Why?

The background talk will address these and other questions as well as set the context for journalists, academics and analysts who follow political developments in Hungary.

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants: Maximum: 70


Brief presentations followed by a live Q&A.

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic, email:, Cell: +43 676 365 26 9

Daniel Mikecz

Dániel Mikecz

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dániel Mikecz is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Political Science at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since 2015 he is Senior Research Fellow at the Budapest-based political think-tank, Republikon Institute.

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Botond Felady

Botond Feledy

foreign policy expert

Mr. Botond Feledy is foreign policy expert currently living in Brussels. He is senior non-resident fellow at the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Development (CEID), and focuses his research on EU-US relations, cyber security and influence operations in Central Europe.

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Agnes Urabn

Ágnesán Urbán

Corvinus University Budapest

Ágnesán Urbán is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Infocommunication at Corvinus University Budapest. Her areas of research includes digital media, media consumption, and media policy.

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Zsuzsana 716x926

Zsuzsanna Szelényi

Robert Bosch Academy

Zsuzsanna Szelényi. Richard von Weizsäcker fellow of the Robert Bosch Academy. Former MP, Hungary.

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