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Kursnummer: 13525

Russian Journalists, Politicians and Activists in Europe: What can be done from Exile?

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Seminar Series

With Sergey Parkhomenko (publisher, journalist, civic activist), Ilya Yashin (politician), Galina Timchenko (journalist), Angelina Davydova (environmental and climate journalist)

When: 16 January 2024, 9:30-11:30 CET
In-person, in Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8, 1010 Vienna AND online via ZOOM

There are two ways to follow this seminar:

  1. Presseclub Concordia attendance - Registration!
  2. Zoom participation - Registration!

Cooperation partners

ERSTE Foundation, Presseclub Concordia and fjum

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Presseclub Concordia Logo


It is almost three years since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and some estimates indicated that that since 2022 almost one million Russians left the country. Emigration from Russia (and the Soviet Union) is an old phenomenon: Russian-speaking diaspora surpasses 20 million people. The latest emigration wave includes journalists and activists who opposed the war, draft dodgers, political opponents, IT specialists, economic migrants and others.

Journalists, politicians and activists have continued their work abroad, addressing those who stayed in Russia and those who left.

What can they do in exile and from exile? What are their objectives? Can they reach people in Russia? What will be their role when the war ends? Are there future-oriented initiatives?

Top journalists, politicians and activists will share their views.


Sergey Parkhomenko, publisher, journalist, civic activist and political commentator. He co-founded Dissernet, a volunteer community network working to clean Russian science of plagiarism, as well as the project Last Address, a large-scale public memorial project designed to commemorate the memory of innocent people who died because of political repression in the Soviet Union. Currently, Sergey leads the Redkollegia project, the most prestigious professional award in Russia, established in 2016 to support independent journalism. He lives in Paris.

Ilya Yashin, is a Russian opposition politician and public figure. Former head of the Krasnoselsky District Council in Moscow and a key leader of the Russian opposition. He was one of 16 prisoners freed by Russia in a historic exchange with the West on Aug. 1. He had been serving an 8.5-year sentence for denouncing the invasion of Ukraine. Yashin lives in Berlin.

Galina Timchnko is an award-winning journalist, co-founder and CEO of Meduza, the most prestigious Russian independent media outlet. She lives in Riga.

Angelina Davydova is an environmental and climate journalist, writing for the Russian and international media, NGOs and think-tanks. She is a co-host of the English-language podcast The Eurasian Climate Brief. She lives in Berlin.


Short presentations followed by Q&A

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants in Presseclub Concordia

Maximum: 70

Number on online participants

Maximum: 100

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Sergey Parkhomenko

Russian journalist, blogger, publisher, and organizer of civic projects

Sergey Parkhomenko is a Russian journalist, blogger, publisher, and organizer of civic projects.

Leader of the “Redkollegia” project - the most prestigious professional award in Russia, established in 2016 to support free journalism in Russia. Today, Redkollegia has become the center of the largest professional community of Russian independent media journalists working both in Russia and in exile.

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Galina Timchenko

CEO and founder of Meduza

Galina Timchenko, Russian journalist, CEO and founder of Meduza. The Latvia-based news outlet was founded in 2014. Prior to establishing Maduza, Timchenko was editor-in-chief of, one of the most influential Moscow-based online media outlets in Russia. In 2014 she was fired: the owner was dissatisfied with the coverage of Ukraine. Most journalists resigned from, in solidarity with Timchenko and joined her in Riga, when she founded Meduza.

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Angelina Davydova

Environmental and climate journalist

Angelina Davydova is an environmental and climate journalist, writing for the Russian and international media, NGOs and think-tanks. She is a co-host of the English-language podcast The Eurasian Climate Brief. Davydova was based in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, until March 2022 (when she had to leave the country because of her anti-war position) and now resides in Berlin, Germany. In Russia, Davydova wrote for Kommersant, edited the magazine "Environment and Rights" and hosted a radio program on Echo of Moscow in St. Petersburg. Davydova is currently a freelance journalist, editor and podcast host, fellow with the Institute for Global Reconstituion, environmental projects coordinator with the Dialogue for Understanding e. V., expert with the Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group. She has been an observer with the UN climate negotiations (UNFCCC) since 2008. She has been a councilor of the World Future Council since October 2020. Angelina Davydova has been delivering lectures and participating in seminars at numerous universities in Russia, Germany, and the US. She also organizes trainings on environmental and climate journalism and communication for media and NGO professionals. She has graduated from The St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance in 2000 and completed a number of international educational and professional development programs, including the Thomson Reuters Foundation programme in Oxford University (2006), City of Hamburg Young Leaders Internship Program (2009), Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program (UC Berkeley, California, 2012) and Humphrey Fellowship (UC Davis, 2018-2019).

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Ilya yashin

Ilya Yashin

Russian opposition politician and public figure

Ilya Yashin is a Russian opposition politician and public figure. Former head of the Krasnoselsky District Council in Moscow and a key leader of the Russian opposition.

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    2. Zoom participation - Registration!
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