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Kursnummer: 110422on

War in Ukraine: Unity and Polarisations in Europe

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, and Czech Republic

European Contexts Series

When: Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 9:00-10:30CET
Where: Concordia Cloud

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: Monday, 27 June 2022, at 20:00CEST

Register now.

Cooperation partners:

ERSTE Foundation, Europe’s Futures (IWM), Presseclub Concordia

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Europes Futures Logo
Presseclub Concordia Logo


Laura Saarikoski, journalist, Editor-in-chief at Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki, Finland.

Piotr Buras, political analyst and journalist. Head of ECFR’s Warsaw office and a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relation, Warsaw, Poland.

Ruzha Smilova teaches contemporary political philosophy and history of political ideas at the Political Science Department of Sofia University, and is also a program director at the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Lorenzo Pregliasco, linguist, specialist in political communication and public opinion research. Co-founder of the pollster and political analysis firm Quorum/YouTrend and an adjunct professor at the School of Political Science of the University of Bologna, Italy. Podcast host: Qui si fa l’Italia. Turin, Italy.

Martin Ehl, journalist and author, Senior analyst at the Prague daily, Hospodářské Noviny. Senior fellow, Visegrad Insight. Prague, Czech Republic.


On 15 June 2022, European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR) released results of a study that analyse European public opinion regarding the war in Ukraine, its causes and long- term goals. Country differences are profound.

Top journalists and academics will explore the war’s impact on the political situation in their own countries: from parties’ unity in Finland and Poland, to deepening polarisation in Bulgaria.

Will national politics impede a common European strategy towards Ukraine and Russia?

Concept and Moderation

Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, acting Rector of Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants: Maximum: 70


Moderated conversation followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic, email:, Cell: +43 676 365 26 93

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Laura Saarikoski

Journalist, Editor-in-chief at leading Finish daily Helsingin Sanomat.

Laura Saarikoski, journalist, Editor-in-chief at Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki, Finland

Fotocredit: Samuli Pulkkinen

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Lorenzo pregliasco

Lorenzo Pregliasco

Journalist, specialist in political communication and public opinion research

Lorenzo Pregliasco, journalist, political analyst and expert in political communication. He contributed to newspapers and magazines such as «L’Espresso», «Limes», «La Stampa», «Politico Europe», «il Sole 24 Ore».

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Martun ehl

Martin Ehl

Journalist and author

Martin Ehl, Ph.D. (b. 1973), journalist and author.

Reporter of Czech economic daily Hospodářské noviny ( since 2001; since January of 2006 till June 2018 Chief International Editor, now Chief Analyst. Previously working in various Czech written media since 1992. Senior Fellow at the Visegrad Insight ( Covering Central Europe, transatlantic relations, security issues and business related to defense and energy. Author of books on Central Europe and globalisation, previously also teaching at Czech universities.

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Ruzha Smilova

Dr. Ruzha Smilova

Political Science Department of Sofia University

Dr. Ruzha Smilova teaches contemporary political philosophy and history of political ideas at the Political Science Department of Sofia University, and is also a program director at the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria. Her academic research is focused on such issues as the authority of democracy, normative and positive theories of democracy and the relation media-democracy. At the CLS she is involved in research and policy-related projects on quality of representative institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, on the rise of illiberal populism, the relation media and democracy, voting behaviour, participation in politics, among others.

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Piotr Buras

European Council on Foreign Relations

Piotr Buras is the head of the Warsaw office of the European Council on Foreign Relations. His topics of focus include Germany’s EU and foreign policy, Poland in the EU, and EU politics.

Buras is a journalist, author, and expert on German and European politics. Between 2008 and 2012 he worked as a columnist and Berlin correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily newspaper. He started his professional career in the late 1990s at the Center for International Relations in Warsaw, one of the first Polish think-tanks. He continued his career at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Birmingham and at the University of Wroclaw (Poland). He was also a visiting fellow at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin. His recent book Moslems and the Other Germans. The Reinvention of the Berlin Republic was published in Polish in 2011.

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