FJUM 124 1x1
Kursnummer: 112222on

Elections in Italy: Democracy at Stake or Business as Usual?

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Series

When: 15 September 2022, 9:00-10:30CEST
Where: Concordia Cloud

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link one day before the event. Registration deadline: 14 September 2022, at 20:00CEST

Register now.


Internal political scene and public opinion polls

Lorenzo Pregliasco, linguist, specialist in political communication and public opinion research. Co-founder of the pollster and political analysis firm Quorum/YouTrend and an adjunct professor at the School of Political Science of the University of Bologna, Italy. Podcast host: Qui si fa l’Italia. Turin, Italy.

Can major foreign policy changes be expected?

Giovanna Pancheri is an award-winning journalist, anchor, and international correspondent. She is currently anchoring her own news show at the main News Network in Italy: Sky TG24.


Mirjana Tomić, fjum/Presseclub Concordia and Ivan Vejvoda, Director of Europe’s Futures-Ideas for Action program (IWM)


Italy holds snap elections on 25 September 2022. Most opinion polls indicate that the far-right party with a fascist past, Fratelli d’ Italia could lead the new government. Should predictions turn out to be correct, how can this attraction of the far-right be explained? Which policy changes can be expected? Could there be significant changes in foreign affairs, should Giorgia Meloni become a prime minister? Brussels and EU capitals observe Italian political developments with unease. Are these concerns justified?

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants

Maximum: 70


Moderated conversation followed by a live Q&A

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic, email:, Cell: +43 676 365 26 93


Giovanna Pancheri

Journalist, anchor and international correspondent

Giovanna is an award-winning journalist, anchor and international correspondent. Born in Rome in 1980 since 2021 she is anchoring her own news show at 8pm in the main News Network in Italy: Sky TG24. The show with in depth News and one-on-one interviews has the highest rating of her Network. Prior to that between 2016 and the beginning of 2021, Giovanna has been US Correspondent and Bureau Chief for Sky. She was based in New York reporting from the Us and the Latin America about the main political and economic events, covering also major crisis as pandemic, migration, terrorist attacks, mass shootings or the opioid epidemic. For her work as Correspondent in the US she won in 2018 the Amerigo Prize as best TV Correspondent from the US granted by the US Embassy in Italy. From 2009 until 2016 she has been Europe Correspondent and Bureau Chief for her Network based between Brussels and Paris. During these years she interviewed several European Leader and Head of States, she covered all the major events travelling across Europe: the economic crisis, the migration crisis, Brexit, the terrorist attacks in France and Belgium. Also for her work as European correspondent in 2019 she has been awarded with the Biagio Agnes award which is the “Italian Pulitzer” for TV Journalism. She is Member of the Board of the European Council of Foreign Relation and she is also a member of the Council for the Relation between Italy and the US founded by Gianni Agnelli and Henry Kissinger. In 2014 she has been selected among the “40 European Leaders under 40” by Friends of Europe. She is the author of two awarded books: “Darkness over Paris” (2017) and “American New Birth” (2021).

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Lorenzo pregliasco

Lorenzo Pregliasco

Journalist, specialist in political communication and public opinion research

Lorenzo Pregliasco, journalist, political analyst and expert in political communication. He contributed to newspapers and magazines such as «L’Espresso», «Limes», «La Stampa», «Politico Europe», «il Sole 24 Ore».

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    • 0nline (Zoom)
  • Personal Skills
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  • Personal Skills
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