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Kursnummer: 13823

Europe’s Migrants and Refugees: Integrating into European Societies

Politik und Medien Jetzt Buchen

European Contexts Seminar Series

What are the criteria for becoming an integrated migrant/refugee? Realities and Perceptions
Lessons and debates in Sweden, Italy, Austria, France, and Germany

When: Tuesday, 14 February 2023, 9:00-12:00 CET
In-person and virtual

In-person: Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8, 1010 Vienna
Virtual: Zoom

Registration is mandatory for both in-person attendance and online participation. Number of seats in Concordia is limited. Zoom link will be shared one day before the event.

Registration deadline: Monday, 13 February 2023, 18:00.

There are two ways to follow this seminar:

  1. Presseclub Concordia attendance - Registration!
  2. Zoom participation - Registration!


9:00-9:10 Welcome Greetings

Daniela Kraus, Presseclub Concordia, Ivan Vejvoda, Europe’s Futures-Ideas for Action (IWM) and Mirjana Tomić, Fjum/Presseclub Concordia.


Introductory remarks

Migration complexities: realities and perceptions.

Melita Sunjić, migration and communication expert, journalist, book author, university lecturer, Transcultural Campaigning, Vienna, Austria.


Panel discussion followed by Q&A

Migration is an important election issue. While debates focus on controlling the borders and expulsions, the question remains: What is a successful integration strategy? Which criteria should migrants fulfil? Between reality and perceptions.


Bernd Parusel, senior researcher, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) in Stockholm. Main research interests: policies on migration, asylum, integration, and borders in the European Union.


Sara Prestianni, expert in international migration policies, Euromed Right.


Rainer Bauböck, expert in democratic citizenship, European integration, migration, nationalism, and minority rights. Part-time professor at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

10:30-10:50: Coffee and Networking

10:50 -11:50

Panel Discussion followed by Q&A

France and Germany have different citizenship and integration models. Yet, both countries have serious challenges. Which are the criteria for a successful integration? Realities and perceptions.


Patrick Weil is a senior research fellow at the French National Research Center in the University of Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Senior Research Scholar in Law at Yale Law School. Professor Weil’s work focuses on comparative immigration, citizenship, and church-state law and policy. Via Zoom.


To be announced.


Closing remarks: Ivan Vejvoda

Concept and moderation:

Ivan Vejvoda and Mirjana Tomić


Migration is a prevalent political topic in most European countries, often mentioned in connection with demographic decline and labour shortages. While current political debates focus on controlling the borders, the seminar will explore: What does it take to become a successful migrant/refugee? What are the criteria? On the other hand, what are the major fears regarding migration: demographic, cultural, linguistic, religious, or security? Is there a common EU integration policy or each country follows its own path?

Target Groups

Austrian and international journalists, thinktank analysts, and academics.

Number of participants

Maximum: 70

Additional Information

Mirjana Tomic
Cell: +43 676 365 26 93

Melita sunjic

Melita H. Šunjić

communication expert

Dr. Melita H. Šunjić is an Austrian citizen with Croatian roots. She started her career as a journalist with the Foreign Desk of the Austrian daily Wiener Zeitung and, in 1993, joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) where she stayed for 25 years in various communications functions and worked in numerous conflict zones: the Balkans, Pakistan/Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Georgia, South Sudan, and the Middle East. She has also lived in Budapest, Pretoria, and Moscow.

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Sara Prestianni

Specialist in international migration policies

Sara Prestianni (1979) is a specialist in international migration policies. She is currently the Head of the Thematic Program Unit for Euromed Rights, in the Brussels office.

From 2012 to 2019 she worked for Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana, ARCI, the biggest Italian association working in the field of reception and integration.

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Rainer Bauböck

Migration expert

Rainer Bauböck is part time professor in the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute. He is corresponding member Austrian Academy of Sciences and chairs the Academy’s Commission on Migration and Integration Research. He teaches at the Central European University Vienna campus as a guest professor. From 2007 to 2018 he held the chair in social and political theory at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of EUI. His research interests are in normative political theory and comparative research on democratic citizenship, European integration, migration, nationalism and minority rights. He co-directs GLOBALCIT, an online observatory on citizenship and voting rights. His recent books include Democratic Inclusion. Rainer Bauböck in Dialogue, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2018 and Migration & Staatsbürgerschaft, Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2021 (with co-author Gerd Valchars).

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Bernd Parusel

Bernd Parusel

Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS)

Bernd Parusel is a senior researcher in political science at the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) in Stockholm. His main research interests are in policies on migration, asylum, integration and borders in the European Union and the EU Member States.

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Patrick Weill 1

Patrick Weil

Expert in comparative immigration, citizenship, and church-state law and policy.

Patrick Weil is a senior research fellow at the French National Research Center in the University of Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Senior Research Scholar in Law at Yale Law School. Professor Weil’s work focuses on comparative immigration, citizenship, and church-state law and policy.

His forthcoming book is The Madman in the White House. Sigmund Freud, Ambassador Bullitt and the lost psychobiography of Woodrow Wilson (Harvard University Press, May 2023). His most recent book is De la Laïcité en France (Grasset, 2022 and 2021).

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